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Forest Rules of Maine 2014

The Forestry Rules of Maine 2014


This is the best publication I have seen put out by the State of Maine.  Finally, they have a resource where most of the laws are grouped into one publication.  Local rules and ordinance may be stricter than state standards and you should always check with your local town office.  The link to this publication is listed below.   A print version of the publication is available to loggers and foresters, and will be distributed by the Forest Policy and Management Division’s District Foresters.  A $3 dollar fee will be charged for multiple copies.  For multiple copies, contact the Maine Forest Service office in Augusta at 207-287-2791 or (in-state) 1-800-367-0223.



The Forestry Rules of Maine 2014- A Practical Guide for Foresters, Loggers and Woodlot Owners



​Maine Forestry

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