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WoodsWise Funding

Maine's cost-shared WoodsWISE program currently has money for forest management plans.  The cost-share rate is for up to 50% of plan's cost.  The plans must be written to the WoodsWise specifications.  The are also not-to exceed limits on the monetary reimbursement.  These plans are also eligible to be used for tree growth plans.  Contact me for more information or to sign up.  For more information about the program, follow this link to MFS site.  The MFS administers the program.


WoodsWise Information


The most recent federal allocation for Maine from the USDA Forest Service’s Forest Stewardship Program (FSP), which is the source of funds for cost-share reimbursements for WoodsWISE forest management plans, represents a 7% reduction from the previous year. In order to make sure we can continue to serve the primary customers for Woodland Resource Action Plans (WRAPs), we are suspending the waiver provision for woodland owners with 1001 to 5000 acre ownerships. This is regrettable but necessary at this time. Please note the change in page 4, Section I, of the WoodsWISE manual:


1. Acreage limitations:

    a. Applicants must own at least 10 contiguous forested acres, but not more than 1000 forested acres statewide.




FUNDING: “Applicants who own 1001 – 5000 forested acres may submit a written proposal for cost-sharing, which may be approved at the discretion of the State Forester if there is a demonstrated public benefit to be derived from cost-sharing, and if funds are available. Proposals should provide, in addition to basic required ownership information, a discussion of the type/amount of public benefits anticipated, and the specific segments of the public who will benefit.”



​Maine Forestry

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